Originally created by the Liberty studio in 1968, this loosely painted botanical showcases a dense arrangement of fluid floral shapes, almost morphing into a camouflage pattern. Capturing a fleeting moment of underwater florals through loose brushstrokes, Alison Lewis overflows with emphatic forms and subtle movement. Alison Lewis is part of the Oceans story of our Autumn/Winter 2023 collection – featuring designs that draw us deep down into a glittering underwater kingdom of wine-dark waters inhabited by powerful mythological beings.
For Autumn/Winter 2023, A Liberty Odyssey takes us on an adventure inspired by early storytelling – a dazzling contemporary voyage through the world of ancient myths. For this collection, the Liberty Fabrics designers drew upon the potent iconography and enduring cultural significance of millennia-old narratives of gods and goddesses, with four stories of ‘Classical’, ‘Universe’, ‘Earth’, and ‘Oceans’. A sweeping tour across sea, land, and heavens, shot through with captivating mythic imagery and symbolism to ignite the imagination.
Tana Lawn® is an ultra-fine cotton, cool and durable with a silk-like touch. Liberty Fabrics is known for its iconic print designs, bespoke fabric technology, unique print quality and striking colour vibrancy. Tana Lawn® Cotton is suitable for all types of sewing, dressmaking, quilting and crafts.