Based on a series of original artworks created for Liberty in 1987, Sonny James is a beautifully textured conversational design. Featuring colourful parrots perched on tropical branches in a nod to the infamous scarlet macaws, its loose and layered paint strokes mimic the expressive mark-making techniques of acrylic on canvas.
“Colour! What a deep and mysterious language, the language of dreams.” – Paul Gaugin
For Spring/Summer 2024, The Liberty Kaleidoscope takes us on the most vivid journey of all – through the rainbow, into a prismatic universe of colour. For this collection the Liberty Fabrics designers engaged with print’s most elemental pigments, assembled here into four compelling stories: ‘Spectrum’, ‘Red’, ‘Blue’ and ‘Yellow’. The collection explores the cultural, natural and historical components that make up the light and shade of everything around us, taking us into the heart of each hue. Join us to become immersed in kaleidoscopic colour, unlike anything we’ve done before.
Tana Lawn® is an ultra-fine cotton, cool and durable with a silk-like touch. Liberty Fabrics is known for its iconic print designs, bespoke fabric technology, unique print quality and striking colour vibrancy. Tana Lawn® Cotton is suitable for all types of sewing, dressmaking, quilting and crafts.
Pricing: All fabrics are priced per metre length